Jilin City People's Government Office on the issuance of Jilin City to promote the stable and healthy development of real estate market measures notice

来源:   时间: 2024-05-15 14:44

Jilin City People's Government Office

Notice on the issuance of Jilin City measures to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market 


  Relevant units of urban people's Government, High-tech Zone Management Committee, Economic development Zone Management Committee and municipal government: 

  "Jilin City to promote the stable and healthy development of the Real estate market Measures" has been the municipal government2024年第5This executive meeting deliberated and adopted, and now issued to you, please implement it carefully。 



                      Jilin City People's Government Office 


Jilin City to promote the steady and healthy development of real estate market measures 


  In order to accelerate the adaptation to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market in our city, vigorously support the rigid and improved housing demand, boost confidence expectations, and promote the recovery of consumption, combined with the actual situation in our city, the formulation of these measures。 

  First, the policy to improve the quality of construction 

  (1) Supporting unified allocation of public facilities。According to the scale of the project land, in accordance with the detailed planning and relevant standards and requirements, centralized layout, joint construction, reasonable allocation of childcare, community services and recreational and sports activities, health services, elderly care, business services and other facilities, fully meet the actual needs of residents。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  (2) For the land to be transferred, increase land compatibility in the detailed planning preparation, and support flexible disposal of the compatible proportion of residential land and commercial land。In the stage of approving planning conditions before land transfer, we will scientifically and reasonably reduce plot ratio and land intensity, appropriately reduce the proportion of residential public construction, and increase the supply of low-density and high-quality commercial residential land。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  3. Encourage efficient use of inefficient land。The price of land transfer for real estate development projects with inefficient land use can be paid by installments, and the bidding deposit shall not be lower than the lowest price of the transfer20%After the contract is signed1The sale price must be paid within a month50%The balance shall be paid in a timely manner as agreed in the contract, and the latest payment time shall not exceed1年。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  (4) Reducing the cost of supporting real estate development。The expenses for the construction of municipal infrastructure such as water, heat and gas for new projects shall be integrated into the cost of land development expenditure。(Municipal Planning Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  (5) Encourage the development and construction of ultra-low energy consumption buildings。The approved comprehensive energy saving rate is not less than85%In addition, ultra-low energy building real estate projects that meet the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's "Near zero Energy Building Technical Standards" and Jilin Province's engineering construction design standards "Ultra-low Energy Public Building Design Standards" and "ultra-low Energy Residential Building design standards" shall be given policy support。(Municipal Housing and Construction Authority, Municipal Planning Bureau) 

  (6) Under the premise of meeting the requirements of green space rate, the berths of underground parking lots, above-ground parking buildings (garages) and built-up parking garages in residential projects shall not be less than the total berths70%。Where mechanical parking equipment is required, the number of mechanical parking berths shall not exceed the total number of parking berths50%And the underground parking Spaces shall not be less than the total number of parking Spaces90%。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  (7) Encourage innovative residential design to meet the demand for improved housing。For residential projects that have not yet handled the verification of planning conditions and new residential projects, residential projects can be configured with more open and comfortable balconies and reasonable equipment platforms。The open balcony is projected horizontally50%Calculate building area and plot ratio;The sum of the horizontal projected area of each residential equipment platform shall not exceed5For square meters, the gross floor area and plot ratio shall not be counted;exceed5Part of the square meter area, calculated by its horizontal projection area and plot ratio。(Municipal Planning Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  (8) The sales office of a residential project built within the scope of the construction land may apply for a temporary construction project planning permit before the main project of the project applies for a construction project planning permit。Sales office combined with commercial outlets and other supporting service facilities construction and incorporationThe main engineering design schemeWhen the main project of the construction project handles the construction project planning permit, the temporary construction project planning permit shall be cancelled simultaneously;If it is not included in the main project design scheme, it shall be dismantled by itself before the last planning verification of the main project。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  9. Improving the efficiency of relocation and resettlement。According to the wishes of the relocating households, the district governments are encouraged to support the monetization of the purchase of commodity housing in the urban area that has handled the "Commercial housing Pre-sale License" and has determined the delivery time for the resettlement of commodity housing。(Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  (10) Promoting housing stock"Transfer with custody"。Simplify mortgage inventory transaction procedures,Establish a regulatory mechanism for trading funds,Carry out the transaction transfer of mortgaged stock housing without lifting the original mortgage state (i.e., "transfer with mortgage"),In accordance with the conditions, the mortgagee agrees to realize the simultaneous completion of the mortgage stock housing transfer, the new mortgage of the transferee, and the cancellation of the original mortgage of the transferor,Save both sides of the transaction capital and time costs。(Municipal Regulation Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, Jilin Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration) 

  Second, adjust the process to revitalize effective assets 

  (11) Implementation of real estate development projectsThe first registration of the "sub-building" and the verification and acceptance of the phased planning。Some of the buildings that have completed the construction can be planned and verified separately。When the completion acceptance record form is obtained and the development enterprise undertakes to complete the overall construction project according to the plan,Part of the buildings that have completed the completion acceptance record,Handle the first registration of immovable property;Real estate development projects that are not delivered on time,In accordance with the relevant planning requirements and community, property occupancy, kindergarten and other supporting buildings have been completed in advance according to the requirements of the relevant departments acceptance,Phased planning verification of completed buildings is possible,After planning verification,A real estate registration certificate without land allocation area may be issued to the corresponding right holder in advance。(Municipal Planning Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  (12) Relaxing the conditions for registration of real estate transfer notice。The total amount of investment in real estate development land acquired by means of transfer has not reached25%According toAccording to the principle of "investment before transfer", the two parties to the transaction sign the transfer contract, with the agreement of the urban government and the management committee of the development zone, they can apply for the notice registration of the transfer of real estate, and when the total development amount reaches the statutory transfer requirements, the transfer registration of real estate can be handled according to law。The owner of the right to advance notice registration may apply to the relevant department for construction project application, sale and other procedures by presenting the certificate of advance notice registration of the immovable property and other necessary materials。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  (13) Activating basement and parking space assets。For the basements and underground parking Spaces that have obtained the state-owned land use right and have handled the Certificate of Real Estate Right, they may apply for the registration of mortgage right。Under the premise of meeting the requirements of planning and civil air defense and having paid the sale price of some underground land, the real estate property rights registration can be handled for the basement and underground parking Spaces with clear boundary points according to the application。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  (14) mortgaged projects under constructionDeregistration is implemented by "splitting by set" or "splitting by block"。Commercial housing that has been mortgaged for projects under construction,The development enterprise shall meet the conditions for the registration of division by unit (building),With the consent of the mortgagee, the original mortgaged property and secured claims shall be divided by sets (blocks) and the registration of mortgage change shall be handled,The development enterprise can pay off the loans owed according to the mortgage of each set (building) and handle the mortgage cancellation registration according to the set (building),Revitalize mortgaged commercial housing,Ease the financial pressure on enterprises。(Municipal Regulatory Bureau, Jilin Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration) 

  (15) Adjusting the conditions for the sale of commercial housing。Commercial houses that are not sold after the first registration of real estate can be registered for mortgage rights, and real estate development enterprises can apply to change the status of self-owned houses to the status of commercial houses for sale after the mortgage is cancelled。(Municipal Planning Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  Third, optimize the use of housing provident fund policies 

  (16) Extending the term of housing provident fund loans。The term of the housing provident fund loan shall be extended to five years after the statutory retirement time, and the loan term shall not exceed30年。(Municipal provident fund) 

  (17) Increase the calculation multiple of the housing provident fund loan limit。The calculation multiple of the amount of employee loans deposited shall be increased to the sum of the account balances of both husband and wife15The sum of account balances is insufficient3Ten thousand yuan3In the calculation of 10,000 yuan, the minimum allowable loan amount is increased to45万元。(Municipal provident fund) 

  18. Optimizing the withdrawal policy for housing provident fund purchases。Abolish the policy restrictions on employees' withdrawal of provident fund by purchasing non-domicile or non-provident fund deposit for self-occupancy。Employees who purchase non-municipal housing with loans may apply for withdrawal of housing provident fund at any time after repaying the initial loan;The full purchase of non-municipal housing or the full purchase of the third and above housing in the city by the employee has expired since the registration date of the "Real Estate Right Certificate" or the registration date of the purchase contract12After a month can apply for withdrawal of housing provident fund。(Municipal provident fund) 

  (19) Optimization"Business to public" loan deposit conditions。Pay continuous, normal and full contributions to the housing provident fund6More than a month (including) can apply for "business to public" loans。(Municipal provident fund) 

  (20) Launch"Business to public" portfolio loans。Borrowers who have already handled commercial housing loans may convert the original commercial loans into a combination of housing provident fund loans and commercial loans。(Municipal provident fund) 

  Fourth, increase fiscal, tax and financial support 

  (21) Support the mortgage financing of the right to use construction land。We will support enterprises in old-age care, education, medical care and other social sectors that do not aim at public welfare, and use compensated property such as the right to use construction land for mortgage financing。When the mortgage right is realized, the use of the land shall not be changed。(Jilin Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, Municipal Regulatory Bureau) 

  (22) Increase financing support for construction enterprises。Commercial banks are encouraged to meet the reasonable financing needs of construction enterprises on the basis of law and compliance and risk control。We will strengthen the supervision of project funds, simplify the procedures for returning construction project quality deposits in accordance with laws and regulations, and ease the pressure on enterprises' liquidity funds。(Jilin Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Regulation Bureau) 

  (23) Establish a working mechanism for financing coordination。Increase financial policy support for real estate enterprises and establish financing to support real estate projects"White list", build a government-bank-enterprise communication platform, promote the precise docking of real estate enterprises and financial institutions, and promote the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership。(Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, Jilin Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Regulation Bureau) 

  Fifth, take multiple measures to promote housing sales 

  (24) Supporting enterprises to carry out group buying activities for commercial housing。Continue to carry out commodity housing group buying activities for project enterprises with group buying intentions in the city, and encourage enterprises to independently launch preferential policies for group buying。(Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  25. Promoting the construction of supporting facilities。Ensure the timely delivery and use of real estate development projects, improve the infrastructure around the projects, and facilitate people's medical treatment, schooling, and travel。Supporting facilities such as hospitals, schools, roads, public transport, water, electricity, gas, heat and greening around the project will be built in time according to the plan。Supporting construction projects are included in the annual investment plan of governments at all levels in advance to ensure that the construction of supporting infrastructure in the community is completed simultaneously with the delivery of projects in the community。(Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, municipal governments, Administrative Committees of Development Zones) 

  (26) Establish a real estate transaction display center, regularly hold housing transaction exhibitions as needed, and introduce phased policies to reduce the cost of buying a house and increase the buyer's sense of gain and happiness。(Municipal Housing and Construction Authority, etc.) 

  6. Strengthen supervision and regulate market order 

  (27) Strengthen supervision over the whole construction process of real estate projects。Further standardize the real estate development and operation behaviors, strictly implement the provisions of the Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of the Whole Process of Real Estate and Public Construction Projects, implement the main responsibilities of all parties and the supervision responsibilities of administrative departments, ensure the quality and safety of construction projects, and avoid creating new ones"Suspension of construction" and other issues to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate industry。(Municipal Planning Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  (28) Strengthen the supervision of commercial housing development and sales and pre-sale funds。Real estate enterprises will strictly examine and approve applications for pre-sale of commercial housing,Projects that have been approved for pre-sale shall be subject to strict supervision,The municipal Housing and Construction Bureau should establish a strict supervision mechanism,Effectively perform regulatory duties,Weekly dispatch to monitor the use of sales and pre-sale funds for projects under construction,Promptly discover and strictly deal with violations of laws and regulations in the sale and use of pre-sale funds of commercial housing。(Municipal Housing and Construction Authority) 

  (29) Real estate development enterprises with major operational risks are included in the key supervision objects。For no qualification development, super qualification development, qualification within the validity period of development, not in accordance with the provisions of the project capital supervision, water supply, heating and other individual projects without acceptance and delivery of use, capital chain fracture resulting in the end of the project, not timely registration of property rights and other situations,Included in the list of key supervision,Handle in accordance with relevant laws and regulations。(Municipal Housing and Construction Authority, Municipal Planning Bureau) 

  This measure applies to the urban area of this municipality。 

  These measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation and shall be valid2025419 


    Policy interpretation:"Jilin City People's Government Office on printing and distributing Jilin City to Promote the Stable and healthy Development of the Real Estate market Notice" text version policy interpretation